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Church Choir attire

Each choir is unique, embodies a different personality and has its own agenda in the music industry. But it is important to make sure you are presenting your group's personality when performing. Choir performance attire is really important because it is yet another way for groups to communicate their purpose and image to audiences and potential fans. Whether your choir is a rock group or a church chorus, the attire has to be appropriate and well-thought out. Oftentimes singing groups have a difficult time finding a wardrobe that will work well with both male and female members, so it's important to plan ahead and make the most of the choir resources available for putting together a look that represents your members.

Here are five important tips for choosing choir apparel:

1. Think about uniforms

For more formal choral groups, uniforms are a great way to go. Not only does it eliminate the problem of having the proper attire, but it makes everyone look very professional and unified. Women often wear long dresses and men are fitted into suits. This is a festive and impressive wardrobe to perform in and shows the audience that you are going to get down to business. That being said, if your group likes to show a little more personality, feel free to forgo uniforms for some fun costumes.

2. Dress according to the venue

If you are performing in a prestigious hall where many before you have sung, it may be a good idea to respect the history of the place and dress in a more formal manner. If you are in a choir festival or outdoor fair, consider some fun attire that shows off your group's personality.

3. Customize apparel for each performance

Holiday performances, summer concerts or even special fundraiser events are always more fun if the singers dress up with a twist. For a nonprofit concert, try acquiring fundraiser shirts or wearing the right colors if the event organizer thinks it would be more appropriate. Holiday performances can incorporate the colors of that time of year. Have fun with it and make each and every event unique.

4. Talk it over with each member

Don't make a decision without clearing it first with everyone involved. You want the rest of the chorus to be happy with what they have to wear, whether it's on a regular basis or for one performance. Discuss it with everyone and come to a collective decision.

5. Own it

Whatever you wear, own the look and have a good time. Sometimes outfits can be stuffy or uncomfortable. But don't let the audience see that you're not comfortable. Make it a great experience for fans and work with what you have.

Attire is one of the most important ways to express individuality and passion for the choral industry. Consider the occasion, audience and your group's preferences when choosing costumes or uniforms and you're sure to have a successful show.

1st Lady rebukes a Church member for inappropriate attire
1st Lady rebukes a Church member for inappropriate attire
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