Be studied

Show Choir Musical

Calling all 9โ€“16 year olds who love to sing, dance, and act to join the Show Choir Camp! Musical rehearsals, vocal coaching, and choreography combine to prepare for a final exciting performance on Friday at 4:30 p.m. The performance is located in the Nazareth Great Hall (formerly known as the Blue Room).

Who can attend?

Ages 9โ€“16 yrs.


Dates: July 11-15
Time: 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Location: Totino Fine Arts Center

Daily schedule

Vocal warm up
Physical warm up
Music and Dance rehearsal
Fun Activity
Music and Dance rehearsal


  • Students may bring a sack lunch, or
  • Lunch is available in the cafeteria (Remember to choose this option when you register online.)


Tuition: $200

Lunch (optional): $50

Registration Fee: $15

Refund policy

50% refund if student withdraws after the registration deadline

Registration Fee is nonrefundable

How: Register online or contact the Academy of Music office at 651-631-5108 to register over the phone.

About the Instructors

Doreen Hutchings

Doreen Hutchings spent several summers at Chautauqua Institute as a voice and opera scholarship recipient. A winner of the southeastern Metropolitan Opera Auditions, Hutchings has performed with the Virginia Opera Association, Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra & Festival Choir, Saint Cloud Symphony Orchestra, and Buffalo Symphony Orchestra. Her opera directing credits include full productions of Die Fledermaus, The Marriage of Figaro, and Orfeo. She produces and directs the UNW Opera Workshop, and directs summer theatre at Theatre L'Homme Dieu. Doreen also maintains a private vocal studio off campus. Her students have received prestigious awards in vocal competitions such as Schubert Club, Minnesota State High School League, and the National Association of Teachers of Singing. She is presently the Minnesota State Governor for the National Opera Association.

Evan Jones

Evan R. Jones has a Bachelor's Degree in Vocal and Classroom Music Education K-12 from the University of Northwestern-Saint Paul. Currently, he is teaching choir and general music at Clearwater Middle School in Waconia, MN. He is the director and choreographer of the 7th grade show choir "Pulse, " and the newest show choir at Waconia High School, "Illuminations." Mr. Jones has vocally directed and choreographed for schools' choir, show choir, musical, and opera programs at the middle school, high school, and collegiate levels. He acts as an adjudicator for solo and ensemble festivals as well as show choir competitions. He has taught both nationally and also internationally for the ACSI Honor Choir Festivals in Budapest, Hungary, and Prague, Czech Republic, combining international high school students from all over the world.

Lean On Me (Glee Version) - Y2K Music School Show Choir
Lean On Me (Glee Version) - Y2K Music School Show Choir
MSJ Musical Theatre & Show Choir Performance Trailer
MSJ Musical Theatre & Show Choir Performance Trailer
The Sexy Show Choir Musical
The Sexy Show Choir Musical
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