Northfield Youth Choirs annual

Northfield Youth Choirs

NYC welcomes all children entering grades K–12 as well as adults and college students. Experience is not necessary and scholarships are available.

The 2015-16 season fall start date is Sept. 14th and the spring start date is January 4th. It’s not too late to join the spring session!

To register for the choirs, please complete the following steps:

  1. Pay the registration fee* ($45 for families registering a single child; $60 for families registering multiple children). You can pay at the vocal check-in session or mail your payment to:

    Northfield Youth Choirs
    PO Box 460
    Northfield, MN 55057

  2. After the beginning of the season you will fill out a uniform order form and submit uniform payment. Estimated costs are listed on the choir pages.
  3. Submit either the payment-in-full or the first month’s tuition by Sept. 1st.†
  4. Complete a tuition agreement form (available below)

*Students registering for Poco a Poco do not pay a registration fee.
†Remaining monthly payments are due on or before the first day of each month. The full balance of tuition is due April 1st, 2015.

2014-2015 Tuition Agreements
Poco a Poco Tuition Agreement 2015-16
Junior Singers Tuition Agreement 2015-16
Treble Choir Tuition Agreement 2015-16
Troubadours Tuition Agreement 2015-16
Anima Tuition Agreement 2015-16
Chorale – High School Tuition Agreement 2015-16

2015-2016 Uniform Order Forms will be posted when the season starts


Need-based scholarships are available by application for both our concert season and summer camps. Scholarships are awarded by the NYC board scholarship committee. All information is kept strictly confidential. Applications are available below. Scholarships are funded with help from SEMAC*, The Twin Cities Opera Guild, and the NYC Family to Family Scholarship Fund.

Northfield Youth Choir at the Twins game- Sept. 20, 2011
Northfield Youth Choir at the Twins game- Sept. 20, 2011
Northfield Youth Choir Christmas Concert 2011
Northfield Youth Choir Christmas Concert 2011
Northfield Youth Choir - Night of Silence - 12.10.11
Northfield Youth Choir - Night of Silence - 12.10.11
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