Brooklyn Youth Chorus
We are delighted that you are interested in joining Brooklyn Youth Chorus. A student’s acceptance and division assignment are based on his or her age, vocal ability, and musical experience. A love of singing and enthusiasm for music are the most important requirements.
Most new choristers begin in one of the Training Divisions (Levels 1 – 6 and Men’s Training), organized by both age and level of skill and experience. Advanced singers (ages 12+) may be placed in one of the Performing Ensembles (Junior and Concert Ensembles for treble voices and the Men’s Ensemble for boys with changed voices).
We are currently scheduling auditions for the 2016-2017 program year (to start in September). To sign up for an audition, please visit the Brooklyn Youth Chorus Parent Portal. You will set up a family/chorister account and choose an audition date and time.
Audition and Training Level Age Divisions
Preparatory (ages 7-9): choristers born in years 2007-09
Pre-Teen (ages 10-12): choristers born in years 2004-06
Teen (ages 13+): choristers born in 2003 or earlier
Young Men with changed voices (ages 12 – 21): boys with changed voices (tenor or bass)
2016-2017 Registration Timeline for new singers*
*subject to change
April – May: New Singer Audition Period (auditions continue if space is available after registration opens)
May 13: Notification to NEW choristers of acceptance and placement via email; Financial Aid applications open (due by June 1 in order to be processed by registration period)
June 15 (noon) – June 21: Registration Period for Early Accepts
June 22 (noon): Registration opens for General Accepts
Notes regarding Audition and Registration
Auditions for the 2016-2017 will be ongoing as long as space is available. However, only those who audition in April-May will be eligible for early acceptance and have a better chance securing a space in his/her desired section. Those who audition after May will only be offered enrollment if and where space is available.
Registration opens in waves: first for current BYC choristers who are re-enrolling; next for Early Accepts from the new audition pool; and finally for the General Accepts from the new audition pool.
Please note that due to day/location popularity certain class sections may be full by the time you are eligible to register. If your desired section is full, you may ask to be placed on the waitlist.
Audition Procedures
Auditions are conducted in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. The student will perform simple pitch-matching exercises, sing scales, and sing the familiar song “Happy Birthday.” All chorus members are reevaluated annually to assess their progress and determine their readiness for promotion to more advanced chorus divisions.
The audition lasts between 5-10 minutes. Students are seen in the order they arrive and are free to go when their audition is over.
Auditions are held free of charge.
To receive audition announcements, upcoming performance info and more, please join our .

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