Trinity High School Choir
I was in show choir in high school- I can't make this show but I would really love to hear about future shows!
3/2/2016 -
Sounds cool, trying to change status to "I'm in!" - Need to check plans.
3/2/2016 -
Sounds fun. Open bar, cash bar, or BYOB? I'm good either way just need advanced notice is all.
LOL (I'm so funny)
3/2/2016 -
I think we have 3 or 4 Yelp flasks. Just may need to fill them up.
3/2/2016 -
OK, serious mode on - Casey, is it advised to but tickets in advance? Saturday is Thuy's choice, so likely won't see you guys, but please tell K hi from us.
3/2/2016 -
Oops. "Buy" tickets in advance? I have sent this question to the e-mail address above, I'll update when/if I receive a reply.
3/3/2016 -
I'll be there on Friday, y'all!
3/3/2016 -
FYI - From Debra
Assistant Choir Director
Trinity High SchoolTickets will be on sale at the door. Or you can come up to the school and purchase them from us in the choir room.

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