Choir Handbook High School

High School Choir Handbook

  • Students are expected to show respect. We are working as a team and students are expected to show respect to each other, to the director, to school property and to property of others at all times.
  • Students are expected to be prompt and ready to begin rehearsal with music and a pencil at the tardy bell.
  • Warmups will be given to achieve proper posture, placement of the voice, articulation of vowels and consonants. Proper positioning of the body is critical in making best use of the vocal instrument. These activities will be helpful and relative to the music made later in rehearsal.
  • Students should listen and concentrate on the music being rehearsed at all times. During sectional work, all sections not singing will sing mentally (on their part or part rehearsed) and maintain concentration. The more intensely each member listens and responds to the music around them, the higher the performance level of the chorus.
  • Students are expected to restrict conversation and movement to three times: before the tardy bell, between pieces of music being rehearsed and after the closing bell. Clear communication between the conductor and the ensemble is important.
  • Students are to use pencil to make markings on music to save valuable rehearsal time and contribute to the quality of the chorus. Expectations for singing and individual participation have been further outlined in the grading policy.
  • Students experiencing colds, sore throat, allergy problems as well as other medical problems, etc. and who are unable to sing in rehearsal must bring a note of verification from a parent until vocal or other problems are resolved. Although this student may not be singing, students are still expected to participate as outlined in other behaviors listed above. Failure to comply will affect the student’s participation grade.
  • There should be no food, drink (other than water), candy, or gum in the music room.
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Denton High School HOCO Dress Up Days 2015
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