By Central Church of God

Central Church of God Choir YouTube

For Shay and Collete Butler, family life isn't too private, but they wouldn't have it any other way. For the past four years the Butler family has been known to the world as the "Shaytards" on YouTube with more than 1 million followers.

Shay Butler, who is referred to as "ShayCarl, " began the video by explaining what temple worship means.

"It's a place where we go to make promises to our Heavenly Father, " ShayCarl said. He then continued to explain some basic beliefs:

"What we believe is that Jesus Christ is our Savior. He is the central figure of our church. The real full name of our church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We're called the Mormons because we believe in another book of scripture called The Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. We believe that Christ came and lived on the earth, just like you've heard of in the Bible."

The video blog is nearly 18 minutes long and has been viewed more than 267, 000 times. ShayCarl later addresses the problem of discussing religion online, stating that it can easily end in confrontation.

"It would be great to just be able to sit down, one-on-one, and have a religious conversation in an open environment where there is no, 'Well, I'm right and you're wrong' mentality and attitude, " ShayCarl said. "So I'm hoping we can do that in the podcast."

The video was posted last week and already has more than 11, 000 comments, many of which commend ShayCarl for speaking openly about religion.

One commenter, lily matelyssi, wrote:

"I love how you care about your religion so much! It means a lot to me that you are vlogging about religion, 'cause not many people do that! I'm a Muslim and it would mean so much to me if I could share my thoughts to you and you could tell me yours about your religion. To me, we are the same, we both believe in God and that's really the whole point of religion, right?"

Another commenter, Lillian C, also supported the discussion of religion:

"Shay, I am Baptist, and I believe in everything you do as far as religion is concerned. You keep on talking all you want about religion. If others don't like it, then they don't have to watch it. Love your family so much. You all make me smile and have such a great day every day. It's because of your family and how loving you all are."

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