Guildford Cathedral Choir
Guildford Cathedral Singers (GCS) is a mixed-voice choir established in the early 1980s by the Cathedral Music Department. They sing at the morning Eucharist and Mattins on about twelve Sundays a year when the Cathedral Choir is on holiday, and occasionally for Evensong or a special service. Once a term they combine forces with the Cathedral Choir under the combined direction of the Cathedral Organist and Master of the Choristers, and their own Musical Director. For the choir, the opportunity to sing some of the finest sacred music within the liturgical context for which it was intended, in the spacious surroundings of Guildford Cathedral, is both a pleasure and a privilege.
GCS rehearses on the Friday evening preceding each service, from 7.45pm to 9.45pm. There is also a short practice immediately before the service. Music is distributed about two weeks in advance so that it can be prepared beforehand. Dates for 2015-2016 (PDF)
The Choir has several social functions during the year, including a quiz night and a summer lunch at the end of the year.
GCS is available to sing for weddings and other special services in the Guildford area. Please contact the Musical Director for more information.
If you are interested in singing with the Guildford Cathedral Singers, and you are an experienced choral singer with good sight-reading skills, regularly available about once a month on a Friday evening and a Sunday morning, the Musical Director would be pleased to hear from you. There is an audition (PDF) before you can become a member of the choir, but you are welcome to come and join us at one of our rehearsals first, before committing yourself further. Email John Bawden, Musical Director, for further details.

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